Industry News: 2h and jukifx-1r (Page 1 of 1)

gtr module from Beijing Hengrun Science and Technology Co.Ltd

Industry News | 2009-09-06 07:51:30.0

gtr module from Beijing Hengrun Science and Technology Co.Ltd

Beijing Hengrun Science and Technology Co.Ltd

TORCH vacuum reflow oven appears in China international information and communication exhibition

Industry News | 2019-12-16 22:38:22.0

With a history of more than 28 years since 1990, icict has been committed to building the most influential and innovative ICT platform, providing comprehensive services, communication and cooperation opportunities, including policy interpretation, technology research and development, market application and financial investment, for the ICT industry chain.

Beijing Technology Company

Four types of plasma surface treatment and material surface reaction

Industry News | 2021-04-09 02:12:31.0

The reaction between the plasma surface treatment machine and the surface of the material is both physical and chemical. Through the reaction, the surface of the material will become rough, and at the same time, the oxide can be reduced, making the surface of the material hydrophilic and cohesive. Dyeability, biocompatibility and electrical properties have been greatly improved.


New Line of Inductors Offers Lead Free Option for Automotive and Industrial Control Applications

Industry News | 2004-11-19 16:12:06.0

St. Charles, IL November 1, 2004 - Perllo Technologies LLC and ECM Electronics Ltd. announce the release of the new environmentally friendly ECxxC series of lead-free power inductors for introduction into the North American Automotive Market.

Perllo Technologies


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