Industry News: 5

International Wafer-Level Packaging Conference and Exhibition

Industry News | 2011-01-18 14:37:31.0

Sponsored jointly by the SMTA and Chip Scale Review magazine, the annual IWLPC explores cutting edge topics in wafer-level packaging and IC/MEMS/MOEMS packaging, including 3D/Stacked/CSP/SiP/SoP and mixed technology packages.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

IPC President and CEO John Mitchell Releases Statement on President Obama’s FY16 Budget

Industry News | 2015-02-04 17:11:51.0

On Monday, President Obama released his Fiscal Year 2016 Budget of the U.S. Government. Included in the budget is funding to expand the National Network of Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI) as well as a 5.5 percent increase from 2015 of $146 billion for research and development (R&D) initiatives. “IPC applauds the President for his commitment to grow advanced manufacturing and increase federal R&D investment, both of which are a critical part of IPC’s Global Policy Framework for 2015,” said John Mitchell, IPC President and CEO.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Henkel increases sales and earnings

Industry News | 2009-03-02 22:58:58.0

Business results reflect National Starch acquisition and Ecolab sale

Henkel Electronic Materials

Prototype and Debug 96 ball BGA with Ease

Industry News | 2011-02-14 16:05:28.0

Design engineers using 0.8mm pitch 96 position BGA ICs will be interested in the PA-BGA96C-Z-01 probing and prototyping adapter with GHz BGA socket from Ironwood Electronics. Ironwood Electronics recently introduced a new BGA socket addressing high performance requirements for testing clock driver IC's. The socket is constructed with high performance and low inductance elastomer contactor.

Ironwood Electronics

New Vishay Space-Saving Interface Protection Bidirectional and Symmetrical (BiSy) ESD-Protection Diode from New Yorker Electronics

Industry News | 2021-04-22 17:10:07.0

New ESD-Protection Diode with Wettable Flanks Features Low Capacitance to 0.37pF typical in the Compact DFN1110-3A Package

New Yorker Electronics

Panasonic Introduces New RL132 Radial Insertion Machine — Generation-Ahead Platform and Spatially-Efficient Footprint

Industry News | 2011-04-07 12:47:23.0

Panasonic Factory Solutions Company of America introduces the RL132 Radial Insertion Machine offering generation-ahead technologies in a spatially-efficient footprint.

Panasonic Factory Solutions Company of America (PFSA)

Inovaxe and Horizon Sales to Display the New InoKit SMART Carrier at the SMTA Michigan Expo

Industry News | 2015-04-26 17:23:15.0

Inovaxe will exhibit at the SMTA Michigan Expo & Tech Forum, scheduled to take place Tuesday, May 5, 2015 in Livonia, MI. Inovaxe will display the InoKit SMART Carrier in the Horizon Sales booth. The InoKit SMART Carrier offers fast return on investment (ROI).

Inovaxe Corporation


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