Industry News: 61534 result: unknown problem; (Page 1 of 1)

Digitaltest introduces their new innovative CAD Recovery Software

Industry News | 2015-10-22 12:58:55.0

Digitaltest is presenting its newest innovative Digitizer 2.0 software that can recover lost CAD design data of electronic components.

Digitaltest Inc.

Troubleshooting the STM32F429 board and restoring its operation

Industry News | 2020-11-19 11:25:25.0

Manual testing can take up most of a technician's time. The solution to the problem can be auto-mated testing using signature analysis systems. However, even here you can face the problem of lack of documentation for the board. This problem is not acute if there is documentation or if we are talking about new boards, the documentation for which is publicly available. However, what if the boards have been produced for a long time, and the documentation has been lost? In this case, intelligent recognition systems can help, which will allow you to identify component pins without documentation for the board. In this article we will show you how easy and fast it is possible thanks to our EyePoint p10 and EyePoint S2 systems, using the STM32F429 board as an example.

Engineering Physics Center of MSU

A multifunctional printed circuit board, integrating sensor and evaluation electronics, has passed initial customer production release tests

Industry News | 2009-04-23 21:31:21.0

W�rth Elektronik's cantilever sensors revolutionise applications such as ERP and identification systems

Würth Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG


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