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MYDATA market research shows that high-mix challenges are a reality for higher-volume manufacturers

Industry News | 2013-11-15 16:37:31.0

In an independent global survey of SMT manufacturers*, MYDATA found that many of the classic production challenges facing low-volume, high-mix producers have now reached a "tipping point" for higher volume producers as well. The survey revealed that several key challenges are common to low-, mid- and high-volume producers: changeover efficiency, quality, line utilization, stock accuracy and reducing the cost per mounted component.

Mycronic AB

KYZEN Offers Tips for Improving Device Reliability at the SMTA Intermountain Expo

Industry News | 2015-04-07 17:14:44.0

KYZEN announces that David Lober presented during the recent SMTA Intermountain Expo at Boise State University. Mr. Lober presented “Improving Device Reliability When Building Highly Dense Assemblies.” For more than 25 years KYZEN consistently has delivered leading science connected to care in order to persistently create the most effective cleaning solutions for each customer’s unique manufacturing process or problem. Mr. Lober is part of KYZEN’s innovative new product technology team.

KYZEN Corporation


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