Industry News: asm wpc (Page 1 of 1)

SIPLACE Very-High-Force Head features placement force of 70 N

Industry News | 2013-01-12 12:27:34.0

With its new SIPLACE Very-High-Force Head for odd-shaped components, ASM Assembly Systems is adding another major option for its SIPLACE SX placement machines. The new Very-High-Force Head is able to place components up to 30 millimeters high and 200 millimeters long with a force of up to 70 newtons. That way, users can process on their SMT line even extremely large components with snap-in or through-the-hole fasteners such as connector modules for automotive or IT applications.

ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG

ASM Assembly Systems at the SMT Hybrid Packaging 2013 show

Industry News | 2013-03-12 13:42:20.0

With new SIPLACE placement machines and many software innovations, ASM Assembly Systems underscores how important the SMT Hybrid Packaging trade show in Nuremberg has become. At Booth 7-204, the SIPLACE team will present innovations from both ends of its platform spectrum: With the SIPLACE X3 S, it unveils the latest generation of the successful SIPLACE X high-end platform, while the SIPLACE D1i is a new solution for the more price-sensitive SMT production segment.

ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG


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