Industry News: board editor (Page 1 of 16)

Good Chemistry: UIC, RBP Form Sales, Tech Support Pact

Industry News | 2003-02-10 08:20:11.0

Leading Suppliers of Chemistries for Circuit Board Processing Have Entered a Selling and Services Deal


Titan Signs Letter of Intent to Buy EMC

Industry News | 2003-02-21 09:21:43.0

Titan General Holdings Inc. is buying substantially all the assets of Eastern Manufacturing Corp.


CCA Leads Charge on California Capital Today

Industry News | 2003-02-05 08:29:10.0

In Hopes of Convincing Legislators that there�s Still Time to Resuscitate the State PCB Industry


Electronics Workbench Taps Industry Talent as New Vice President of Sales and Marketing

Industry News | 2003-03-04 08:31:59.0

Ian Suttie To Drive Company's Expansion in Professional Printed Circuit Board Design Market


Altium CAM System and Free ODB++ Viewer Bridge Gap Between PCB Design and Manufacture

Industry News | 2003-03-11 08:45:00.0

CAMtastic DXP is the latest version of Altium's complete CAM verification and editing system that bridges the gap between PCB design and manufacturing and facilitates communication between board designers, fabrication engineers, and their clients.


SQC in Electronics Manufacturing

Industry News | 2003-06-10 08:16:44.0

The following text describes the application of NWA Quality Analyst to quality control in the assembly of electronic components.


Marcy LaRont Named Executive Director of I-Connect007 Group

Industry News | 2025-01-13 19:13:20.0

Marcy LaRont, a printed circuit board (PCB) industry veteran who has been working as the managing editor for PCB007 magazine this past year, has been named executive director of the I-Connect007 group of publications, which was purchased by IPC in 2022. She succeeds Barry Matties, publisher and original founder of the I-Connect007 publications, who will continue on in an advisor capacity.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

SMTA Capital Chapter Announces New Officers for the 2015 Term

Industry News | 2015-03-30 18:56:47.0

The SMTA Capital Chapter is pleased to announce the officers for the 2015 term. Brian A. Costanzo of DRS Signal Solutions serves as President. Karen Walters Ebner of Raytheon Systems Company serves as Vice President. Bert Horner of The Test Connection, Inc. serves as Secretary. Fernando Rueda of Kyzen Corporation serves as Treasurer. Tom O'Connor of DfR Solutions serves as VP of Membership. Jessica Kreis of ZESTRON Americas serves as VP of Communications and Martin Anselm of Rochester Institute of Technology is the Board Liaison for the SMTA Capital Chapter.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Futurist, Writer and Manufacturing Tech Expert Travis Hessman to Keynote IPC APEX EXPO 2021

Industry News | 2021-01-21 08:00:10.0

Each year, IPC APEX EXPO features industry's most dynamic, innovative minds to deliver keynote presentations that are both educational and entertaining. IPC APEX EXPO 2021 will feature IndustryWeek Editor-in-Chief Travis Hessman. During his keynote on March 10, Hessman will present, "The Great Digital Transformation."

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

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