Industry News: california and instruments and 801rp (Page 1 of 2)

Router Solutions Incorporated and PCB CAM Solutions Announce New Marketing and Support Partnership Agreement

Industry News | 2003-04-11 08:53:18.0

This agreement establishes PCS as the exclusive representative of RSI in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.


Electronics Manufacturing Supports More Than 5.3 Million U.S. Jobs and Almost 4%of U.S. GDP, Says IPC

Industry News | 2020-05-18 13:37:47.0

Electronics manufacturing contributes powerfully to the U.S. economy, according to a new report released by IPC, the global electronics manufacturing industry association. The report finds the electronics manufacturing sector directly supports more than 1.3 million U.S. jobs.For every U.S. electronics manufacturing job,three other jobs are supported in the U.S. economy, contributing to a total of 5.3 million American jobs. Also, the industry indirectly and directly contributes $714 billion (3.7 percent) to U.S. GDP.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

International Wafer-Level Packaging Conference (IWLPC) Program Finalized and Registration Now Open

Industry News | 2013-07-19 11:27:23.0

The SMTA and Chip Scale Review magazine are pleased to announce the presentation line-up for the 10th Annual International Wafer-Level Packaging Conference.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Seiko Instruments Smart Label Printers Cleaned Quickly and Effectively

Industry News | 2010-03-30 16:26:27.0

AUBURN, Maine — March 23, 2010 — Consistently printing clear and crisp labels requires the proper cleaning maintenance of any thermal printer. KICTeam's introduction of the Seiko Instruments Smart Label Printer Cleaning Card which features Waffletechnology will maintain that clarity on Seiko Instruments thermal printers. This new product was designed specifically for the SLP family of thermal printers through a joint effort of Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. and KICTeam. This new cleaning card is a quick and almost effortless means of removing any leftover adhesive residue or paper dust that can deteriorate the legibility of the print.


Agilent Technologies' Experts Contribute Chapters to Digital Communications Test and Measurement Handbook

Industry News | 2008-03-20 20:42:22.0

Several authors from Agilent's Digital Test Division have written chapters about High-Speed Physical Layer Characterization in the new Digital Communications Test and Measurement Handbook, co-edited by Dennis Derickson, California Polytechnic State University and Marcus Mueller, Agilent. The book covers basics, transmitter test, receiver test, and interconnect topics to verify system performance of high-speed digital links.

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

ACD to Present PoP Assembly and Functional Test Services at the IPC APEX EXPO

Industry News | 2015-01-19 21:08:26.0

ACD will exhibit in Booth #2338 at the IPC APEX EXPO, scheduled to take place Feb. 24-26, 2015 at the San Diego Convention Center in California. ACD’s assembly business model supports high-mix, high-technology assembly from prototypes through low-to-mid volume production.

Automated Circuit Design (ACD)

Seika Machinery to Demo New Rework and Conformal Coating Systems at APEX

Industry News | 2015-01-22 11:58:02.0

Seika Machinery will debut the RD-500V Rework Station from DEN-ON INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. in Booth #3701 at the IPC APEX EXPO, scheduled to take place Feb. 24-26, 2015 at the San Diego Convention Center in California. The all-in-one advanced technology SMT rework station is compatible with all kinds of rework and SMT component types, including 01005s.

Seika Machinery, Inc.

ACD to Exhibit World-Class PoP Assembly and Test Services at the IPC APEX EXPO

Industry News | 2013-01-14 17:35:33.0

ACD, will exhibit in Booth #817 at the upcoming IPC APEX EXPO, scheduled to take place February 19-21, 2013 at the San Diego Convention Center in California.

Automated Circuit Design (ACD)

Scienscope to Demo Its Full Lineup of X-ray Systems and Component Counters at APEX

Industry News | 2020-01-07 11:20:16.0

Scienscope International will exhibit in Booth #2536 at the 2020 IPC APEX EXPO, scheduled to take place Feb. 4-6, 2020 at the San Diego Convention Center in California. The company will showcase its X-ray inspection line, including the X-Scope 1800, X-Scope 2000, X-Scope 3000 and X-Spection 6000, along with its award-winning component counters, which will include the AXI-5100c II, AXC-800 III and AXC-800 II 7’’.

SCIENSCOPE International

Everett Charles Technologies Debuts “Plunge to Board” RF Probe Designs for Accurate and Repeatable Broadband Measurements

Industry News | 2012-06-15 17:31:01.0

Everett Charles Technologies (ECT) announces that it now offers a wide variety of high-frequency, controlled-impedance, spring contact probes for broadband measurement applications.

Everett Charles Technologies (acquired by LTX-Credence, which was acquired by Cohu)

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