Industry News: contact spring (Page 1 of 16)

Wire-to-board Range Handles Up To 16A

Industry News | 2003-05-12 09:19:51.0

No larger than conventional 12A wire-to-board connectors for PCB applications


SMTA Announces Upcoming Webtorials

Industry News | 2012-03-14 12:30:54.0

The SMTA is pleased to announce several new online presentations coming up this Spring. Webtorials are two-part (90 minutes each part) online presentations that provide more depth on a subject and are comparable to half-day tutorials.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

SMTA Announces Upcoming Webinars and Webtorials

Industry News | 2011-01-28 17:42:56.0

The SMTA is pleased to announce several new online presentations coming up this Spring. In response to industry-wide budget cuts and travel restrictions, SMTA has committed to increasing its online programming to better accommodate member needs for technical exchange.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)


Industry News | 2008-05-18 00:07:34.0

MINNEAPOLIS, MN � The SMTA is pleased to announce Edward Zoiss as the keynote speaker for the AIMS Harsh Environment Electronics Workshop. The workshop will be co-located with SMTA International at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort and Convention Center in Orlando, Florida on August 18-19, 2008.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)


Industry News | 2008-06-16 18:54:43.0

MINNEAPOLIS, MN � The SMTA announced that booth space is limited for SMTAI 2008. The exhibition will be held in Orlando, FL on August 19 -20 at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort and Convention Center.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

IPC Develops Virtual and Actual 2003 Spring TMRC Conference

Industry News | 2003-04-10 10:12:23.0

This year, participants can either call-in to the conference or attend in person at the Hilton Chicago O'Hare Airport in Chicago, Ill.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

TTM Technologies, Inc. Earns IPC-1791, Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler RequirementsQualified Manufacturers Listing (QML)

Industry News | 2021-01-21 08:19:14.0

IPC's Validation Services Program has awarded an IPC-1791, Trusted Electronic Designer, Fabricator and Assembler Requirements Qualified Manufacturers Listing (QML) to TTM Technologies, Inc.'s facilities in Sterling, Va. and Stafford Springs, Conn. Following initial audits by IPC, the Sterling, Va. facility passed stringent fabricator requirements, while the Stafford Springs, Conn. facility passed designer and assembler requirements, earning both facilities a spot-on IPC's global network of rigorously vetted, trusted sources.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

3D/SiP Advanced Packaging Symposium Registration Open

Industry News | 2008-02-22 16:25:50.0

The SMTA is pleased to announce its spring packaging symposium. The 3D/SiP Advanced Packaging Symposium will be held April 28-30 at the Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club in Research Triangle Park, NC.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

New Alternative Energy Symposium To Be Held at SMTAI 2008

Industry News | 2008-04-10 21:38:22.0

Minneapolis, MN�The Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) announced a new event to be held at SMTAI 2008. The Alternative Energy Symposium will be held Monday, August 18 from 8:00am � 11:30am at Disney�s Coronado Springs Resort and Conference Center. The symposium focus will be �Alternative Energy: Fuel Cells and Solar Cells Enter High Volume Manufacturing� and is being chaired by Irene Sterian, Celestica Inc.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

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