Industry News: de-fluxing (Page 1 of 1)

SMTA Announces Upcoming Webinars

Industry News | 2010-02-18 21:26:02.0

Minneapolis, MN - The SMTA is pleased to announce several new webinars coming up in March. Webinars are 60 to 90 minute online presentations comparable to a conference session. In response to industry-wide budget cuts and travel restrictions, SMTA has committed to increasing its online programming to better accommodate member needs for technical exchange.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Aqueous Technologies Wins Its 30th Industry Award in Five Years

Industry News | 2009-04-15 16:53:10.0

April 2009 � Aqueous Technologies is North America's leading manufacturer of automatic defluxing systems and has been since 1992. Headquartered in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., Aqueous Technologies manufactures both batch-format and inline aqueous cleaning/de-fluxing systems. The company also manufactures ultrasonic and spray-in-air stencil cleaning systems, PCB and stencil cleaning chemistries, wastewater evaporators, and the Zero-Ion G3 ionic contamination (cleanliness) tester.

Aqueous Technologies Corporation

32 Major Industry Awards and Counting for Aqueous Technologies

Industry News | 2010-02-25 23:20:41.0

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA — February 2010 — Aqueous Technologies Corporation is heading for a new industry record with the winning of an ambitious 32 prestigious awards across their portfolio of innovative defluxing and stencil cleaning systems and cleanliness testers.

Aqueous Technologies Corporation

Aqueous Technologies Premiers New Automatic Defluxing and Cleanliness Testing System

Industry News | 2010-06-21 14:24:32.0

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA — Aqueous Technologies Corp., North America’s largest provider of batch defluxing systems, introduces the Trident OneShot automatic defluxing and cleanliness testing system. Trident OneShot is designed to provide automatic cleaning (de-fluxing), cleanliness testing, and drying of post-reflow circuit assemblies. The system provides the same cleaning, cleanliness testing, and drying performance of the multi-award winning Trident III Series at almost half of the cost.

Aqueous Technologies Corporation

Aqueous Technologies Expands Etek's European Responsibilities

Industry News | 2009-05-01 01:15:51.0

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA � April 2009 � Aqueous Technologies Corp. announces that it has expanded the responsibilities of European distribution partner, Etek Europe Ltd. to cover the UK.

Aqueous Technologies Corporation


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