Industry News: dielectric properties (Page 1 of 9)

Rogers Corp. Introduces R/flex� 3850 Bi-Clad Liquid Crystalline Polymer Material for Multi-layer Thin-Film PCB Construction

Industry News | 2003-06-24 08:14:51.0

R/flex� 3850 laminate is produced in a range of copper and LCP thicknesses, just as the single-clad laminate, and is available in standard panel formats.


System Takes on Two-Component Gel Application

Industry News | 2003-04-28 08:12:02.0

The Micro-Meter 2 is an air-operated positive-displacement single-acting two-component system, designed to meter, mix and dispense small 'shots', or beads, of reactive materials.


New A Revision of IPC-4202 Gives Updated Guidance in Flexible Base Dielectric Materials

Industry News | 2010-04-23 22:01:16.0

BANNOCKBURN, Ill. IPC - Association Connecting Electronics Industries® has released IPC-4202A, Flexible Base Dielectrics for Use in Flexible Printed Circuitry. This document provides comprehensive data to help users more easily determine the capability and compatibility of flexible base dielectric materials in manufacturing flexible printed circuitry and flexible flat cables.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for Surface Mount Technology (SMT)

Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:27:35.0

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for Surface Mount Technology (SMT)

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Raw Material Choices for PCBs

Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:10:33.0

Raw Material Choices for PCBs

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Minimum Thickness PCB

Industry News | 2018-10-18 10:56:54.0

Minimum Thickness PCB

Flason Electronic Co.,limited


Industry News | 2010-04-23 21:51:55.0

BANNOCKBURN, Ill., USA — Celebrating the best of electronic interconnection research being conducted by both industry leaders and academia, IPC – Association Connecting Electronics Industries® announced the 2010 Best Industry Posters and the winners of the second annual IPC Academic Poster Competition at IPC APEX EXPO, held April 6–8, 2010 in Las Vegas.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Congresswoman Sinema Tours Isola Group

Industry News | 2014-01-08 18:09:35.0

Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-9) visited Isola's manufacturing and R&D facilities in Chandler, Arizona on Friday, January 3 to learn about the issues that concern the developer and manufacturer of materials used to fabricate advanced printed circuit boards.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)


Industry News | 2014-05-15 16:32:40.0

Ongoing IPC Initiative to Open Dialogue Between Electronics Manufacturers and Policymakers

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

SMTA International 2017 Best Papers Announced

Industry News | 2018-01-15 13:37:11.0

The SMTA is pleased to announce the Best Papers from SMTA International 2017. As speakers at SMTA International, individuals make contributions to the industry by sharing their research and findings. For these exceptional achievements, a cash award and plaque are given to all winners.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

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