Industry News: ekra e4 no cleaner liquid (Page 1 of 1)

November 11-17 2021 Online Equipment Auction

Industry News | 2021-11-08 09:27:12.0

Baja Bid will be liquidating excess and unused assets via online auction. The bidding for this event will open promptly at 8:00am EST on November 11th and the closing will begin at 1:00 pm EST on November 17th.

Baja Bid

Now Bidding - Online PCB Assembly Equipment Auction

Industry News | 2021-11-11 10:56:53.0

Baja Bid is liquidating excess and unused assets from CASE Assembly via online auction. The bidding for this event is now open and the closing will begin at 1:00 pm EST on November 17th, 2021.

Baja Bid


ekra e4 no cleaner liquid searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Vacuum Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB Handling with CE

High Throughput Reflow Oven
Encapsulation Dispensing, Dam and Fill, Glob Top, CSOB

Best Reflow Oven
Sell Your Used SMT & Test Equipment

Training online, at your facility, or at one of our worldwide training centers"
Assembly Automation Technology

500+ original new CF081CR CN081CR FEEDER in stock