Industry News | 2003-06-16 09:12:35.0
Boards tout up to 8MGates devices, on-board RAM, banks of I/O, many programmable user interfaces
Industry News | 2003-06-18 07:56:46.0
The IPC-9850 test materials kit includes all the materials needed for manufacturers to test flexible placement machines and chip shooters to the specifications of the IPC-9850 standard.
Industry News | 2003-03-04 08:08:23.0
In a move that broadens its interconnect design services, Micromark C and CD has introduced a new development kit for the Flexstrip jumpers flexible interconnect system.
Industry News | 2003-03-07 08:52:29.0
Announced the appointment of John Stumpf as chief financial officer
Industry News | 2003-03-18 10:12:41.0
The Falcom JP7 is a single-board GPS receiver with 12 parallel channels.
Industry News | 2003-05-12 09:34:41.0
Educating employees on lean principles is critical to the survival of the USA's New England manufacturing companies and jobs.Educating employees on lean principles is critical to the survival of the USA's New England manufacturing companies and jobs.
Industry News | 2003-02-13 08:11:45.0
eSight Can Reduce Time-to-manufacture and Time-to-market by as Much as 80%
Industry News | 2003-05-22 08:54:17.0
Allows PCA Manufacturers to Compare Costs of Alternative Test Strategies
Industry News | 2010-09-30 00:35:51.0
The new E revisions of IPC’s popular desk reference manuals, IPC-DRM-PTH, Through-Hole Solder Joint Evaluation Training & Reference Guide and IPC-DRM-SMT, Surface Mount Solder Joint Evaluation Training & Reference Guide have been released.
Industry News | 2011-09-06 13:07:52.0
IPC and six IPC-member companies have agreed to participate in a pilot evaluation program to review and refine the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) due diligence guidance for conflict minerals.