Industry News: flammability code (Page 1 of 1)

The Value of Outsourcing PCB Assembly Manufacturing

Industry News | 2018-10-18 09:54:05.0

The Value of Outsourcing PCB Assembly Manufacturing

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Pulse Electronics' Clarity-Pearl Antennas Aesthetically Improve Public Safety Radio Coverage of In-Building Repeater Systems

Industry News | 2015-12-13 19:56:40.0

Pulse Electronics Corporation introduces a new edition in the Clarity® family of antennas that operates at UHF band frequencies including 380-520 MHz and 698-960 MHz to improve public safety radio coverage. The Clarity-Pearl antennas deliver an architecturally pleasing solution to requirements set by the International Fire Code and National Fire Protection Association (IFC/NFPA) codes for public safety in-building communication. Their ultra-thin white UV stabilized plastic radome is 311mm in diameter and protrudes just 9.5mm below the ceiling for the lowest in-building antenna profile in the industry. They provide an antenna solution for challenges created by multi-story structures with weak propagation characteristics and basements with low ceilings.

Pulse Electronics

Molex Introduces New CMC Standard Header and Solder-Mount Headers with Press-Fit Terminals

Industry News | 2011-12-29 17:27:04.0

Molex CMC product line has expanded with the introduction of a 154-circuit header in compliant-pin mount and 32- and 112-circuit solder-mount headers. Designed to perform in high-conductivity applications and harsh environments, CMC is an industry standard interface used in automotive and transportation powertrain applications, including ECUs (engine control units), automatic gearboxes, suspension controllers and electric parking brakes.


Arc-Suppressing RC Networks are Essential Components for Today's Telecommunications Dependency

Industry News | 2020-11-23 16:20:54.0

Electrocube's Standard and Heavy-Duty RC Networks Absorb Spark Discharges and Induced Noise while Managing Surge Voltage/Oscillations

New Yorker Electronics

Partner with an Expert to Ensure Wet Process Cleaning Equipment Success

Industry News | 2019-11-27 10:27:07.0

“One-stop” expert consultation can keep semiconductor production on track through installation and beyond

JST Manufacturing

Yestech's AOI Role in Hazardous Area Instrument Manufacturing

Industry News | 2013-11-08 11:15:49.0

AOI can be a powerful tool when effective quality management becomes an absolute priority. Below, Andy Bonner, Managing Director at Cupio Yestech Europe demonstrates this with a look at BEKA associates, who are using AOI within their manufacturing operation producing display instruments certified for safe use within potentially hazardous areas..



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