Industry News: mpm nt version video card (Page 1 of 1)

Upgrades For GTI-5000 Image Processing Software For X-Ray Inspection of BGAs

Industry News | 2002-01-22 14:37:07.0

Glenbrook Technologies has announced the availability of several upgrades to their newly developed X-ray image processing software, GTI-5000. The latest version software (version 1.06) has been upgraded to run in a Windows XT, Windows 2000, or Windows NT environment and perform complex inspection routines required for leading-edge packaging technologies like TBGA's, Super BGA's, DSP's as well as CSP's and microBGA's.

Glenbrook Technologies

SpacePC� 2320 Embedded Computer Harnesses Pentium� Class Performance in a Low-Power, Fanless PC/104 Format

Industry News | 2003-10-23 13:09:15.0

Parvus� 2320 Series CPU offers low-cost 266MHz single board computer ideal for aerospace, industrial, and transportation systems

Parvus Corporation


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