Industry News: mydata releases stick magazine asm (Page 1 of 1)

MYDATA introduces the Agilis Stick Magazine - A new movement in SMT

Industry News | 2007-05-29 17:45:13.0

Stockholm, Sweden. (May 25, 2007). MYDATA, maker of the award-winning Agilis system, now introduces the Agilis Stick Magazine, ASM. By adapting the proven Agilis design to work in a stick magazine, high-mix SMT manufacturers can boost productivity to levels that simply isn�t possible with traditional stick feeders.

Mycronic AB

MYDATA zeroes in on Productronica 2007

Industry News | 2007-11-05 12:25:41.0

Known for innovation, MYDATA automation AB will demonstrate how it can help high-mix SMT manufacturers achieve more, in even less time than ever, at Productronica 2007 in Munich on November 13-16, 2007.

Mycronic AB


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