Industry News: non-wetting pad (Page 1 of 1)

How to Prevent Non-Wetting Defect during the SMT Reflow Process

Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:21:10.0

How to Prevent Non-Wetting Defect during the SMT Reflow Process

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Share Your Research at SMTA International 2016!

Industry News | 2015-11-25 16:58:05.0

On behalf of the SMTA International Technical Committee, we invite you to submit a 300 word abstract of your research for the 2016 SMTA International 2016 technical conference in Rosemont, Illinois. Papers should describe significant results from experiments, emphasize new techniques, and contain technical, economic or appropriate test data. We are looking for papers on a variety of topics related to electronics manufacturing including advanced packaging/components, assembly, business/supply chain, emerging technologies, harsh environment applications, PCB technology, and process control. Materials must be original, unpublished and non-commercial in nature.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

More BGA Defect Examples Available Royalty FREE

Industry News | 2017-01-05 04:27:37.0

BGA Inspection & Defect Photo Album (Can be downloaded) The photo CD-ROM album featuring over 280 colour images on BGA, materials, inspection and defects and is available to allow engineers to create their own training material, PowerPoint files, process documents, technical articles and standards. The disk includes examples of the following:

Elimiate solder voids online we show you how

Industry News | 2015-03-16 06:51:04.0

Void Formation in Solder Joints – Causes & Cures Webinar Monday 18th May 2.30pm GMT Voiding in solder joints is not new we have experienced cavities in solder joints during the introduction of through hole, surface mount and more recently area array technology. In many cases we never knew we have had voids till the introduction of x-ray inspection.


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