Industry News | 2020-10-16 13:59:32.0
Event to feature e-textiles laboratory demos and keynote from European Commission
Industry News | 2015-03-10 16:59:09.0
Today, Congressman Tim Walz (D-MN-1) met with executives and employees of IPC-member company Creation Technologies at the company’s custom-built manufacturing facility in St. Peter, Minn. Coordinated by IPC, this visit is part of a nationwide effort to educate policymakers about legislative and regulatory issues that affect the electronics manufacturing industry.
Industry News | 2015-12-01 11:02:48.0
Today, U.S. Congressman Bob Dold (R-IL-10) met with executives and employees of IPC-member company Creation Technologies at the company's manufacturing facility in Chicago, Illinois. Coordinated by IPC, the world’s leading association for electronics manufacturing companies, this visit is part of a nationwide effort to educate policymakers about legislative and regulatory issues that affect the electronics manufacturing industry.
Industry News | 2014-08-28 14:40:44.0
Briefing Co-hosted by IPC as Part of Continuing Effort to Connect IPC Members with Policymakers.
Industry News | 2013-03-13 20:01:27.0
IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries® announces the release of a new study, IPC Executive Compensation Study for the North American Electronics Industry 2011-2012.
Industry News | 2013-12-19 18:50:34.0
IPC – Association Connecting Electronics Industries® has been actively engaged in the conflict minerals issue for several years and has partnered with consulting firm Tetra Tech to offer an intensive, one-day conflict minerals workshop to help companies prepare for conflict minerals reporting and customer inquiries.
Industry News | 2017-04-27 17:50:10.0
In response to mounting concern about the shortage of U.S. workers with skills needed by electronics manufacturers, IPC – Association Connecting Electronics Industries® conducted a “fast-facts” study to learn more about the skills gap as it affects U.S. electronics assembly manufacturers. The results, published last week within Findings on the Skills Gap in U.S. Electronics Manufacturing, indicate that most companies are having a hard time recruiting qualified production workers, and an even harder time finding qualified engineers and other technical professionals.
Industry News | 2013-10-11 11:12:07.0
The 2013 update to the study, On-Shoring in the Electronics Industry: Trends and Outlook for North America, published by IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries®, confirms that companies have continued to locate new operations in North America and are returning some existing operations to the region
Industry News | 2013-02-06 07:01:20.0
Latin America: Regional Outlook for the Electronics Industry, a new report published by IPC—Association Connecting Electronics Industries®.
Industry News | 2015-03-05 18:22:11.0
A new study, published by IPC – Association Connecting Electronics Industries® finds evidence that a labor shortage exists for electronics manufacturers and that other business issues make the problem worse for some segments of the industry. Based on data from 107 U.S. and Canadian electronics manufacturers and extensive secondary research, IPC Study of the North American Labor Pool for Electronics Manufacturing assesses the causes of the shortage of qualified labor for electronics manufacturing, and offers solutions.