Industry News: philips comet cph (Page 1 of 1)

Spotlight on Koh Young at the IPC APEX Expo 2020

Industry News | 2020-02-19 21:52:03.0

In the week leading up to the Oscars, Koh Young was busy on the APEX 2020 red carpet, making appearances in the various shows being filmed on the expo floor. Here are a few of the highlights, or as they say at the Oscars, here are this year’s nominees...

Koh Young America, Inc.

A New Solution for LED Placements for Short to Medium Run SMT Assembly

Industry News | 2010-06-25 10:20:29.0

APS Novastar announces release of its new LS60V-LED Automated Pick and Place Machine specifically for LED placements applications.

DDM Novastar Inc


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