Industry News: productronica 1997 mydata dual (Page 1 of 1)

MYDATA launches the new MY200 series placement machines at Productronica

Industry News | 2013-11-15 17:15:52.0

Productronica 2013: The new MY200 performance series features a new linescan vision system and a new high-speed mount head, delivering twice the accuracy and higher throughput.

Mycronic AB

South-Tek Systems Receives GLOBAL Technology Award for N2GEN TS Nitrogen Generator

Industry News | 2021-11-22 08:26:08.0

South-Tek Systems is pleased to announce that it received a 2021 GLOBAL Technology Award in the category of Nitrogen Generators for its N2GEN TS Nitrogen Generator. The award was announced during a ceremony that took place Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021 during productronica in Munich, Germany.

South-Tek Systems


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