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Industry News: professional meeting in mechanical engineering (Page 1 of 11)

SMTA Announces Co-Located June Events in Denmark

Industry News | 2009-02-24 13:53:56.0

Minneapolis, MN � The SMTA is pleased to announce its industry premier in Denmark with two co-located events focusing respectively on Tin Whiskers and Counterfeit Electronic Parts issues. The events will be held from June 23-26, 2009 at the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Changes in Key Electronics Manufacturing Standards Focus of Half-day Workshops at Electronics Midwest

Industry News | 2010-08-25 14:54:48.0

Industry experts will shine the spotlight on recent revisions to key electronics manufacturing industry standards and guidelines during IPC’s professional development program at Electronics Midwest. On September 27 and September 29–30, half-day, in-depth workshops will address major updates to the standards that establish electronics manufacturing requirements and acceptability criteria worldwide. In addition, a workshop covering industry best practices, new and emerging developments and future trends in materials and processes for packaging and assembly will be offered.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

IPC E-Textiles Europe 2020 | Virtual Summit Highlights E-Textiles Labs in Four Countries in Two Days

Industry News | 2020-10-16 13:59:32.0

Event to feature e-textiles laboratory demos and keynote from European Commission

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

IPC’s U.S. Skills Gap Study Reveals Skills and Qualifications in Short Supply

Industry News | 2017-04-27 17:50:10.0

In response to mounting concern about the shortage of U.S. workers with skills needed by electronics manufacturers, IPC – Association Connecting Electronics Industries® conducted a “fast-facts” study to learn more about the skills gap as it affects U.S. electronics assembly manufacturers. The results, published last week within Findings on the Skills Gap in U.S. Electronics Manufacturing, indicate that most companies are having a hard time recruiting qualified production workers, and an even harder time finding qualified engineers and other technical professionals.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

All About Business at IPC Apex Expo in San Diego

Industry News | 2013-03-08 14:05:15.0

IPC APEX EXPO® 2013 provided the information, exchange and connections that helped 4,568 attendees from 42 countries prepare for the future. 425 exhibitors encompassing 130,340 sq. ft. of show floor space welcomed a busy three days of qualified leads, business development and sales.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

IPC E-Textiles 2019 to Address the Real World of E-textiles Applications for Multiple End Markets Drexel University Center for Functional Fabrics in Philadelphia to host event, September 10-11

Industry News | 2019-08-12 20:12:26.0

IPC E-Textiles 2019, a two-day technical education workshop for innovators, technologists and OEMs/brands to learn about the latest developments, designs and manufacturing concepts in the converging industries of textiles and electronics, will feature 14 technical presentations, tours of the Drexel Center for Functional Fabrics, a special interactive session and an IPC D-70 E-Textiles Committee Standards meeting. IPC E-Textiles will take place at the Drexel University Center for Functional Fabrics in Philadelphia, Pa., September 10-11.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

SMTA Capital Chapter Meeting – Soldering Challenges in a Halogen-Free PCB Assembly Process

Industry News | 2011-04-22 21:54:12.0

The Capital Chapter is announcing its next SMTA meeting to be held at APL, Johns Hopkins University, in Laurel MD on May 17, 2011 from 5pm-8pm.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

A Look to the Future in the Electronics Industry at IPC APEX EXPO® 2013

Industry News | 2013-01-19 07:46:16.0

Information that inspires innovation is center-stage for design, printed boards, electronics assembly, test and printed electronics

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Executives to Discuss Managing Challenges in Periods of Transition at IPC APEX EXPO 2021 Managers Forum

Industry News | 2021-02-12 16:57:01.0

New and experienced managers will gather at the Managers Forum at IPC APEX EXPO on March 8 to discuss strategies for thriving during times of crisis.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

IPC APEX India Educational Workshops to Address Design, Assembly and Process Challenges in Electronics Manufacturing

Industry News | 2013-07-24 16:39:34.0

IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries® announces that IPC APEX India™ will offer a comprehensive program of both half- and full-day workshops designed to help engineers find solutions to their most pressing concerns in electronics manufacturing.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

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