Industry News | 2003-03-27 08:15:33.0
Modular Embedded Circuit Board from parvus Enables Local Device Fingerprint Biometrics
Industry News | 2018-10-27 16:00:41.0
The SMTA Capital Chapter is excited to host a Chapter Meeting on November 8th from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM at ZESTRON, Manassas, VA. A technical engineer from DFR Solutions will be presenting “Reliability Modeling and Simulation of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Assemblies Using Sherlock.”
Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:08:03.0
Different Techniques for Plating
Industry News | 2018-10-18 10:16:53.0
Solder Tinned Pads vs Gold Plated Pads - The Importance of Selecting the Proper Surface Finish
Industry News | 2012-02-07 00:45:44.0
IPC and JEDEC have released the C revision of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033, Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow and/or Process Sensitive Components. With an expanded scope, the document now covers the handling, packing and shipping of non-IC electronic components that have been classified per EIA/IPC/JEDEC J-STD-075, Classification of Non-IC Electronic Components for Assembly Processes.
Industry News | 2019-04-23 12:05:35.0
Speed up your wire crimp process with the right tools. Quick and Convenient Wire Crimping with this portable bench top unit . A custom 2 position die made to specifications speeds up the production process for this double barrel connector housing. The housing with 2 barrel contacts is placed into the tooling nest, and one AWG 4 wire is placed into each contact. Stepping on the pneumatic foot pedal crimps both wires and contacts at the same time.
Industry News | 2019-09-13 14:36:50.0
L Shaped and flat rack trays hold 30 and 25 boards.
Industry News | 2011-04-09 13:57:46.0
Count On Tools Inc. now provides Fuji NXT Nozzle Repair and Rework Services. This service is available for all standard nozzles for the H01, H04 and H08/H12 heads.
Industry News | 2012-11-30 08:40:53.0
IPC has strongly urged the government to clarify International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) controls on printed boards through explicit enumeration on the USML.
Industry News | 2010-10-08 14:17:46.0
Congress adjourned last week without taking action on the House version of the Fiscal Year 2011 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, which sources say contains a provision directing the Department of Defense (DoD) to conduct a defense industrial base assessment of the printed board industry and its supply chain.