Industry News: solder mask dam black (Page 1 of 1)

Revive Your Dispenser with Advanced Dispense Technologies

Industry News | 2016-12-09 23:33:42.0

GPD Global offers advanced dispense pump technologies to upgrade your existing platform and take advantage of existing capital equipment. Retrofit your system with innovative dispensing technology for excellent dispense control and repeatability.

GPD Global

Exposed Vias in BGA Pads

Industry News | 2018-10-18 10:26:46.0

Exposed Vias in BGA Pads

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

IPC Presents Technical Education Course: PCB Troubleshooting Course held in conjunction with PCB Carolina

Industry News | 2016-09-14 17:44:33.0

IPC – Association Connecting Electronics Industries® will present “PCB Troubleshooting” on November 2, 2016 in Raleigh, N.C. in conjunction with regional trade show, PCB Carolina.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Vision Engineering’s FREE Electronics Academy Webinar Series to Broadcast: Eliminate Printed Circuit Board Problems and Failure Modes

Industry News | 2018-01-16 11:59:10.0

Vision Engineering has teamed up with industry-expert Bob Willis to broadcast a free Electronics Academy Webinar aimed at identifying the issues affecting PCB/SMT assembly and the challenges of achieving Zero Defect Manufacture. The next webinar, Eliminate Printed Circuit Board Problems & Failure Modes will take place on January 23rd at 2:30 EST.

Vision Engineering Inc.

Juki Holds Grand 25K Unit Breakthrough Celebration in Tokyo, Japan

Industry News | 2012-06-22 17:03:18.0

Juki Automation Systems, Inc.announces that Juki hosted its 25,000 unit shipped worldwide breakthrough celebration on Friday, June 15, 2012 at the Palace Hotel Tokyo in Japan.

Juki Automation Systems

Immersion gold VS Plating gold

Industry News | 2019-05-16 01:27:23.0

There are several surface treatment for PCB board: bare board (no treatment on the surface), rosin board, OSP (Organic Solderability Preservatives), HASL (lead tin, lead-free tin), plating gold, immersion gold, etc., these are relatively conscious treatment. Many people can't tell the difference between plating gold and immersion gold, thinking that it is the same thing, it is a big mistake. The following is a brief introduction to the difference between plating gold and immersion gold.


Cupio Yestech Europe demonstrates conformal coating inspection at NEW

Industry News | 2014-05-06 11:52:11.0

Visitors to the recent National Electronics Week (NEW) exhibition and conference in Birmingham had a unique opportunity to learn about the advantages of conformal coating, which many electronics manufacturers increasingly view as an integral part of their production process. Exhibits including a live production line, and a seminar, revealed how to achieve as much as possible from the technology and how to fully understand the issues involved.

Cupio Yestech Europe

Which PCB testing method is better for you?

Industry News | 2019-11-05 22:21:39.0

Very often, customers ask details about what kind of testing do we use? How do we charge it? Do I have to pay every time or only for the first time? Is this testing safer and better than other one? etc In this blog, let's discuss the various kind of testing and their advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are mandatory, some of them are optional; Some of them are fast, some are slow; some of them are more reliable, and some not. Hope you will have a better understanding about various kinds testing and make better decision on your next PCB order.



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