Industry News: techni tool (Page 1 of 1)

Indium Corporation’s Ryan to Address Techni-Tool’s Biannual Meeting

Industry News | 2014-07-24 21:55:32.0

Indium Corporation's Pat Ryan, America's sales manager, will share his technical knowledge at Techni-Tool’s biannual sales meeting on July 27 in Blue Bell, Pa.

Indium Corporation

Bill Kushner Joins MicroCare, Will Pilot Strategic Marketing Initiatives

Industry News | 2016-08-08 20:34:46.0

MicroCare Corp. is pleased to announce Mr. William D. Kushner will be joining the MicroCare team as Executive Director — Strategic Accounts and Marketing.

MicroCare Corporation

New Manufacturers' Representative at Restronics

Industry News | 2013-05-20 09:13:47.0

Tim Glasgow of Restronics Co. is pleased to announce the addition of Tara Miller to Restronics Southeast. Tara’s territory will include Mississippi and western Tennessee. Tim recently stated, “Tara brings a tremendous amount of experience to Restronics Southeast as she has worked 14 years in distribution sales.”


Ernesto Pollano Joins MicroCare, Focused on Electronics and Fiber Optics in Mexico

Industry News | 2018-10-22 18:41:28.0

MicroCare Corp is pleased to announce Mr. Ernesto Pollano of Tijuana, Mexico has joined the MicroCare Sales Team. He will serve as the Mexico Regional Sales Manager. Mr. Pollano will primarily oversee the growth and development of the MicroCare Electronics and Sticklers™ business platforms but will also support the MicroCare Precision Cleaning Fluids and MicroCare Medical products on an as needed basis.

MicroCare Corporation


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