Industry News: vitronics delta wave 6

PCB Assembly Equipment Auction: Closes Tomorrow, 1pm EST.

Industry News | 2021-06-08 09:22:40.0

Baja Bid is hosting an online auction event featuring items from: Mydata, DEK, Vitronics, Universal and much more. The bidding period began yesterday, June 7, at 8:00am EST. The bidding period will begin closing tomorrow, June 9, at 1pm EST.

Baja Bid

Online SMT Auction June 7th – June 9th, 2021

Industry News | 2021-05-17 09:12:49.0

Baja Bid will be liquidating excess and unused assets via online auction. The bidding for this event will open promptly at 8:00am EST on June 7th and the closing will begin at 1:00 pm EST on June 9th.

Baja Bid

Less Than 2 Weeks From Auction Opening

Industry News | 2021-05-25 08:27:28.0

Baja Bid will be liquidating excess and unused assets via online auction. Featuring: 2018 Mycronic MY300SX-11 SMT Pick & Place, 2005 Mydata MY9 SMT Pick & Place, Mydata Agilis Magazines and Feeders, 2010 Universal GX-11S SMT Pick & Place and much more.

Baja Bid

Assel, a Poland based contract manufacturing services provider, adds equipment to double efficiency

Industry News | 2014-05-23 07:10:51.0

Assel, a Poland based contract manufacturing services provider, has made an investment in a new wave soldering equipment Delta 5 by Vitronics Soltec, which has doubled efficiency.


Circuitronics announces large-format PCBA capabilities

Industry News | 2018-07-26 18:49:02.0

Circuitronics today announced that it has invested to add large-format capabilities. The company invested in Vitronic Soltec’s Delta Wave soldering system to accommodate assemblies up to 24".



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