417 2hand thread 2hand sealing coating 2hand 12.machine results

Express Newsletter: 2hand thread 2hand sealing coating 2hand 12.machine (Page 1 of 42)

Hermetically Sealed SMD Tantalum Capacitors

Hermetically Sealed SMD Tantalum Capacitors Hermetically Sealed SMD Tantalum Capacitors by: I.Zednickova, M.Biler, J.Petrzilek, T.Zednicek; AVX Corporation The article presents improvement of stability parameters of tantalum surface mounted

SMTnet Express - December 7, 2017

SMTnet Express, December 7, 2017, Subscribers: 31,092, Companies: 10,808, Users: 24,136 Utility of Dual Applicators for Non-Atomized Conformal Coating to Improve High-Volume Manufacturing Optimization Camille Sybert, Michael Szuch; Nordson ASYMTEK

An Investigation of Whisker Growth on Tin Coated Wire and Braid

An Investigation of Whisker Growth on Tin Coated Wire and Braid SMTnet Express August 2, 2012, Subscribers: 25335, Members: Companies: 8941, Users: 33403 An Investigation of Whisker Growth on Tin Coated Wire and Braid First published in the 2012

Tin Whiskering on PCBA Capacitors in Storage (Inside ESD Bag, Inside a Sealed Cardboard Box)

Tin Whiskering on PCBA Capacitors in Storage (Inside ESD Bag, Inside a Sealed Cardboard Box) Tin Whiskering on PCBA Capacitors in Storage (Inside ESD Bag, Inside a Sealed Cardboard Box) The tin whisker failures investigated in this paper were

Evaluation of Stencil Foil Materials, Suppliers and Coatings

Evaluation of Stencil Foil Materials, Suppliers and Coatings Evaluation of Stencil Foil Materials, Suppliers and Coatings by: Chrys Shea; Shea Engineering Services , Ray Whittier; Vicor Corporation The past few years have brought PCB assemblers a

Conformal Coating Why, What, When, and How

Conformal Coating Why, What, When, and How Conformal Coating Why, What, When, and How by: Greg Caswell; DfR Solutions Conformal coating is applied to circuit cards to provide a dielectric layer on an electronic board. This layer functions as a

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