SMTnet Express, October 7, 2021, Subscribers: 26,641, Companies: 11,452, Users: 26,882 Cleaning Before Conformal Coating Cleaning PCBs before conformal coating removes potentially harmful and unknown contaminants from the board
SMTnet Express, March 26, 2015, Subscribers: 22,542, Members: Companies: 14,271 , Users: 37,963 Effectiveness of Conformal Coat to Prevent Corrosion of Nickel-palladium-gold-finished Terminals Michael Osterman; Center for Advanced Life Cycle
SMTnet Express, June 1, 2017, Subscribers: 30,507, Companies: 10,601, Users: 23,315 Evaluating the Effects of Plasma Treatment prior to Conformal Coating on Eectronic Assemblies to Enhance Conformity of Coverage John D. Vanderford, Ann E. Paxton
SMTnet Express February 7, 2013, Subscribers: 26168, Members: Companies: 13281, Users: 34286 Effect of Silicone Contamination on Assembly Processes Silicone contamination is known to have a negative impact on assembly processes such as soldering
SMTnet Express, October 22, 2015, Subscribers: 23,631, Members: Companies: 14,705, Users: 39,186 Tin Whisker Risk Management by Conformal Coating Linda Woody, William Fox; Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control; Lockheed Martin Corporation