Express Newsletter: gold fingers solder connection (Page 1 of 102)

Horizontal Convection Reflow Technology Defined

Horizontal Convection Reflow Technology Defined Horizontal Convection Reflow Technology Defined Leading up to the development of lead-free soldering alloys, Horizontal Convection* was developed for the reflow process. Getting the correct

Gold Wire Bonding Performance and Reliability of ENEPIG Surface Finishes

Gold Wire Bonding Performance and Reliability of ENEPIG Surface Finishes Gold Wire Bonding Performance and Reliability of ENEPIG Surface Finishes The expression "multifunctional PCB", as a synonym for a PCB which is applicable with a variety

SMT Express, Volume 5, Issue No. 8 - from

SMT Express, Volume 5, Issue No. 8 - from   Equipment Impacts of Lead Free Wave Soldering The popular tin (Sn) rich lead free solders are causing severe corrosion to many of the materials used in today�s Wave Solder systems

SMTnet Express - August 7, 2014

SMTnet Express, August 7, 2014, Subscribers: 23058, Members: Companies: 13975, Users: 36604 Gold Embrittlement In Lead-Free Solder. Craig Hillman, Nathan Blattau, Joelle Arnold, Thomas Johnston, Stephanie Gulbrandsen; DfR Solutions , Julie Silk

Wire Bonding and Soldering on Enepig and Enep Surface Finishes with Pure Pd-Layers

Wire Bonding and Soldering on Enepig and Enep Surface Finishes with Pure Pd-Layers SMTnet Express October 11, 2012, Subscribers: 25550, Members: Companies: 9005, Users: 33789 Wire Bonding and Soldering on Enepig and Enep Surface Finishes with Pure

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