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High Reliability Lead-free Solder SN100C(Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni+Ge)

High Reliability Lead-free Solder SN100C(Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni+Ge) High Reliability Lead-free Solder SN100C(Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni+Ge) While the situation varies from country to country, nearly one year after the EU RoHS Directive came into force

Alternative Pb-Free Alloys

Alternative Pb-Free Alloys Alternative Pb-Free Alloys While SnAgCu (SAC) alloys still dominate Pb-free selection in North America, especially Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu (SAC305), there are alternative material systems available. Any OEM that is concerned about

Strength of Lead-free BGA Spheres in High Speed Loading

Strength of Lead-free BGA Spheres in High Speed Loading Strength of Lead-free BGA Spheres in High Speed Loading Concern about the failure of lead-free BGA packages when portable devices such as cell phones are accidentally dropped and a general

SMTnet Express - January 10, 2019

SMTnet Express, January 10, 2019, Subscribers: 31,583, Companies: 10,684, Users: 25,588 An Investigation into Lead-Free Low Silver Cored Solder Wire for Electronics Manufacturing Applications Credits: Koki Company LTD The electronics industry has

The Call for Halogen-Free Electronic Assemblies

The Call for Halogen-Free Electronic Assemblies News Forums Equipment Mart Company Directory Event's Calendar Career Center Advertising The Call for Halogen-Free Electronic Assemblies But exactly what is a "halogen-free" solder paste

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