Express Newsletter: ipc-tm-650 method 2.1.2 (Page 1 of 34)

SMTnet Express - August 16, 2018

SMTnet Express, August 16, 2018, Subscribers: 31,259, Companies: 11,015, Users: 25,092 Reliable Young's Modulus Value of High Flexible, Treated Rolled Copper Foils Measured by Resonance Method Kazuki Kammuri, Atsushi Miki, Hiroki Takeuchi; JX

SMTnet Express - February 7, 2019

SMTnet Express, February 7, 2019, Subscribers: 31,653, Companies: 10,704, Users: 25,698 High Frequency Dk and Df Test Methods Comparison High Density Packaging User Group (HDP) Project Credits: Oracle Corporation The High Density Packaging (HDP

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