Express Newsletter: matte tin mitigation (Page 1 of 20)

Effects of Tin and Copper Nanotexturization on Tin Whisker Formation

Effects of Tin and Copper Nanotexturization on Tin Whisker Formation SMTnet Express August 17, 2012, Subscribers: 25395, Members: Companies: 8952, Users: 33485 Effects of Tin and Copper Nanotexturization on Tin Whisker Formation First published

SMTnet Express - October 12, 2017

SMTnet Express, October 12, 2017, Subscribers: 30,913, Companies: 10,757, Users: 23,915 Mitigation of Pure Tin Risk by Tin-Lead SMT Reflow- Results of an Industry Round-Robin David Pinsky, Tom Hester - Raytheon , Dr. Anduin Touw - The Boeing

SMTnet Express - February 3, 2022

SMTnet Express, February 3, 2022, Subscribers: 25,970, Companies: 11,512, Users: 27,043 Next Best Thing to a Close Shave: Mitigating the Risks of Tin Whiskers If you've been in electronics for any length of time, the phenomenon

SMTnet Express - June 4, 2015

SMTnet Express, June 4, 2015, Subscribers: 22,829, Members: Companies: 14,364 , Users: 38,296 Tin Whisker Risk Mitigation for High-Reliability Systems Integrators and Designers David Pinsky, Elizabeth Lambert; Raytheon Integrators and designers

SMTnet Express - November 17, 2016

SMTnet Express, November 17, 2016, Subscribers: 26,573, Companies: 15,019, Users: 41,420 How Mitigation Techniques Affect Reliability Results for BGAs Greg Caswell, Melissa Keener; DfR Solutions Since 2006 RoHS requirements have required lead free

A New (Better) Approach to Tin Whisker Mitigation

A New (Better) Approach to Tin Whisker Mitigation A New (Better) Approach to Tin Whisker Mitigation Most of the electronics industry by now knows about tin whiskers. They know whiskers are slim metallic filaments that emanate from the surface

SMTnet Express - October 22, 2015

SMTnet Express, October 22, 2015, Subscribers: 23,631, Members: Companies: 14,705, Users: 39,186 Tin Whisker Risk Management by Conformal Coating Linda Woody, William Fox; Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control; Lockheed Martin Corporation

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