type of interconnection within a printed
in popularity. Microminiaturization of components a
in popularity. Microminiaturization of components a
High Voltage Chip Resistors High Voltage Chip Resistors Many component engineers are faced with a circuit requirement calling for resistors having voltage ratings well above that associated with surface mount chip resistors, but below the level
Advanced Thermal Interface Materials for Enhanced Flip Chip BGA Advanced Thermal Interface Materials for Enhanced Flip Chip BGA Increased functionality and performance requirements for microprocessors and ASICs have resulted in a trend
a hot topic. Technological advancements towa
Matrix Maintenance in PXI with BIRST Werner Engelmaier: "Mr Reliability" passes. Matrix Maintenance in PXI with BIRST Switching systems, and in particular matrices are a key part of many tests systems. They allow a single core set of test