Express Newsletter: panasonic cm402 head calibration jigs (Page 5 of 43)

SMTnet Express - July 2, 2020

SMTnet Express, July 2, 2020, Subscribers: 28,589, Companies: 11,034, Users: 25,930 A PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE HEAD-IN-PILLOW DEFECT AND ANALYSIS OF CONTRIBUTING FACTORS Credits: Cookson Electronics Head-in-Pillow (HIP) defects are a growing concern

Head-in-Pillow BGA Defects

Head-in-Pillow BGA Defects Head-in-Pillow BGA Defects. Head-in-pillow (HiP), also known as ball-and-socket, is a solder joint defect where the solder paste deposit wets the pad, but does not fully wet the ball. This results in a solder joint

SMTnet Express - May 28, 2020

SMTnet Express, May 28, 2020, Subscribers: 28,990, Companies: 11,012, Users: 25,834 Head-on-Pillow Defect Detection - X-ray Inspection Limitations Credits: Ericsson AB Both the number and the variants of Ball Grid Array packages (BGAs) are tending

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