Express Newsletter: pillows after reflow in bga (Page 1 of 99)

Head-in-Pillow BGA Defects

Head-in-Pillow BGA Defects Head-in-Pillow BGA Defects. Head-in-pillow (HiP), also known as ball-and-socket, is a solder joint defect where the solder paste deposit wets the pad, but does not fully wet the ball. This results in a solder joint

SMTnet Express - December 18, 2014

SMTnet Express, December 18, 2014, Subscribers: 23,604, Members: Companies: 14,148, Users: 37,424 Head in Pillow X-ray Inspection at Flextronics Alejandro Castellanos, Adalberto Gutierrez, Gilberto Martin... - Flextronics International

SMTnet Express - July 6, 2017

SMTnet Express, July 6, 2017, Subscribers: 30,558, Companies: 10,626, Users: 23,470 Effects of Package Warpage on Head-in-Pillow Defect Zhenyu Zhao, Chuan Chen, Yuming Wang, Lei Liu, Guisheng Zou, Jian Cai and Qian Wang - Tsinghua University

SMTnet Express - May 26, 2016

SMTnet Express, May 26, 2016, Subscribers: 24,776, Companies: 14,803, Users: 40,361 Influence of Salt Residues on BGA Head on Pillow (Hip) J. Servin, P. Gomez, M. Dominguez, A. Aragon; Continental Corporation The oxide layers are known as wetting

SMTnet Express - March 06, 2014

SMTnet Express, March 06, 2014, Subscribers: 22524, Members: Companies: 13810, Users: 35835 Investigation and Development of Tin-Lead and Lead-Free Solder Pastes to Reduce the Head-In-Pillow Component Soldering Defect. Jasbir Bath, Roberto Garcia

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