SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 3 - from Volume 2, Issue No. 3 Thursday, March 16, 2000 Featured Article Return to Front Page Curtailing Voids in Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array Solder Joints by Gary Morrison and Kevin Lyne
SMTnet Express, April 16, 2015, Subscribers: 22,628, Members: Companies: 14,302, Users: 38,055 Stereo Vision Based Automated Solder Ball Height Detection Jinjin Li, Lina J. Karam; School of Electrical, Computer, & Energy Engineering, Arizona State
SMTnet Express, December 7, 2016, Subscribers: 27,507, Companies: 15,035, Users: 41,441 Understanding the Effect of Process Changes and Flux Chemistry on Mid-Chip Solder Balling Katherine Wilkerson, Ian J. Wilding, Michael Carter, Daniel Buckland
SMTnet Express, April 5, 2018, Subscribers: 30,982, Companies: 10,916, Users: 24,587 High Reliability and High Throughput Ball Bumping Process Solution – Solder Joint Encapsulant Adhesives Dr. Mary Liu and Dr. Wusheng Yin; YINCAE Advanced
The Call for Halogen-Free Electronic Assemblies News Forums Equipment Mart Company Directory Event's Calendar Career Center Advertising The Call for Halogen-Free Electronic Assemblies But exactly what is a "halogen-free" solder paste