Express Newsletter: used machines (Page 1 of 102)

SMT Express, Volume 4, Issue No. 5 - from

the defect rate of the measured machine. For exampl

SMT Express, Volume 5, Issue No. 3 - from

SMT Express, Volume 5, Issue No. 3 - from Return to Front Page << Back to Page 1             Page 3 >> Knowing the capability coefficients, it is possible to estimate the defect rate of the measured machine. For example, Cpk = 1

SMT Express, Volume 4, Issue No. 5 - from

SMT Express, Volume 4, Issue No. 5 - from Volume 4, Issue No. 5 Thursday, May 23, 2002 Featured Article Return to Front Page Machine Capability Measurement on SMT Equipment by Romain Schmitt, Jean Marie Guillet - Solectron

SMT Express, Volume 5, Issue No. 3 - from

SMT Express, Volume 5, Issue No. 3 - from Machine Capability Measurement on SMT Equipment by Romain Schmitt, Jean Marie Guillet - Solectron Technology, Inc. Abstract

SMT Express, Volume 4, Issue No. 5 - from

is influenced by the dummy types used, accuracy of the gla

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