Parts & Supplies: 130 tg pcb warping (Page 1 of 1)

Yamaha KV7-M665H-00X ZR Connectors Surface Mount Parts for YAMAHA Smt Pcb Assembly Equipment

Yamaha KV7-M665H-00X ZR Connectors Surface Mount Parts for YAMAHA Smt Pcb Assembly Equipment

Parts & Supplies | Component Packaging

V7-M665H-00X ZR Connectors Surface Mount Parts for YAMAHA Smt Pcb Assembly Equipment KV8-M665J-00X KM0-M665J-001 YAMAHA YV100X Y  ZR KV8-M665J-00X KM0-M665J-00X YAMAHA ZR  KV8-M665L-00X KM0-M666L-00 YV100X X  ZR  KV8-M665J-00X YV100X Y  K

KingFei SMT Tech

BICHENG Mixed material PCB

BICHENG Mixed material PCB

Parts & Supplies | Circuit Board Assembly Products

1). FR-4 Tg 170 + Rogers 4350B 2). 290*130mm/1up 3). 6 layers at 1.6mm thick 4). Green solder mask/White ident 5). 35um copper finished, ED copper. 6). Electroless gold. 7). Countersunk slots.

Bicheng Enterprise Company

BICHENG Double sided PCB

BICHENG Double sided PCB

Parts & Supplies | Circuit Board Assembly Products

1) 190*130mm/10up, FR-4, Tg 135, CTI 175-225V 2) Dielectric constant(Er): 4.4-5.2 3) 2 layers, 1.6mm thick, 1 oz 4) Min. hole size: 0.3mm 5) Min. track/space: 4/4 mils 6) LPI Solder mask/White legend 7) Fiducial mark, tooling strips, mounting holes

Bicheng Enterprise Company


130 tg pcb warping searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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