Parts & Supplies: air-vac pcbrm 12 solder pot size (Page 1 of 1)

Air-Vac FW12-160

Air-Vac FW12-160

Parts & Supplies | Soldering - Reflow

I have 29  Air-Vac Engineering flow wells for PCBRM-12 & 15 machines and 10 cleaning hoods. Also have 17 Wenesco solder flow nozzles that came with the PCBRM-12 that I have. Also a few unknown mfg. flow wells. I would like to entertain someo

Tenney Equipment Company

Global Active Wave Soldering Machine GS350P

Global Active Wave Soldering Machine GS350P

Parts & Supplies | Soldering - Wave

Overseas Agent and Distributor Wanted ! Features : Spray Fiuxer: 1) Oriental motor drives the flux spraying system. Spraying speed is adjusted according to PCB board width and moving speed to ensure even spraying all time. 2) Durable “Meiji

Xtreme Marketing LLP


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