Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
03045554-03 S/F-D beam for nozzle removal unit 03045735-03 PCB / CAN NC C+P20 03045754-01 INDUCTOR GR-QS-4-LF 03045848S01 S/F-D launch box 03045883-02 Component reject box S-D 03045909-02 Movable Hood, Left, Complete 03045931-02 Mov
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
03045909-02 Movable Hood, Left, Complete 03045931-02 Movable Hood Assembly Right 03046203S01 SILICON-HOSE-4,5x2,5x26 03046248-01 add-on kit cable trailing unit 03046282-01 Yello label without inscription 03046331-01 Refitting package SST34 in X-
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
PCB CAN-BUS terminator component table
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
High-Speed Matrix Tray Server (Rear type) TR7D Rear mount tray server presents entire trays to the machine for direct picking (no intermediate shuttle hand off). ■ Ideal for odd shaped components or ones with bottom side features that make shuttle
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
KE-2060 can place a wide range of components from 0603 and ICs, to odd-form, all at a high rate of speed. 12,500CPH?chip (laser centering/effective tact) 1,850CPH: IC (vision centering/effective tact), 3,400CPH with MNVC option. One multi-nozzle
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
Matrix Tray Server (Rear type) TR5S/TR5D Rear mount tray server presents entire trays to the machine for direct picking (no intermediate shuttle hand off). ■ Ideal for odd shaped components or ones with bottom side features that make shuttle handl
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
03003268S01 Dual Holder for Vacuum Generator 03003277S01 ROCKER COMPL. / X8 03003342-03 WASTE CONTAINER COMPL. /COM.CARRIAGE 03003425-02 FILTER UNIT 03003426S04 COMPONENT-CAMERA C+P(TYPE23)6x6 dig. 03003432S02 Protect. Shield, bottom 03003448-
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
03003217-01 Computer Unit without MVS SIPLACE HF 03003232S01 STRIPPING PLATE / ROCKER X8 03003236S01 VACUUM GENERATOR ASSY SP-HF 03003261S01 Vacuumdistributor complete 03003268S01 Dual Holder for Vacuum Generator 03003277S01 ROCKE
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
03003217-01 Computer Unit without MVS SIPLACE HF 03003232S01 STRIPPING PLATE / ROCKER X8 03003236S01 VACUUM GENERATOR ASSY SP-HF 03003261S01 Vacuumdistributor complete 03003268S01 Dual Holder for Vacuum Generator 03003277S01 ROCKE
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
03003217-01 Computer Unit without MVS SIPLACE HF 03003232S01 STRIPPING PLATE / ROCKER X8 03003236S01 VACUUM GENERATOR ASSY SP-HF 03003261S01 Vacuumdistributor complete 03003268S01 Dual Holder for Vacuum Generator 03003277S01