Parts & Supplies | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters
Yamaha Assembleon FCM ASSEMBLEON FCM MELF Part Number:5322 479 60114 Assembleon FCM TiN Coated Nozzle for Melf components. Alternative Part #'s PA2747/50. ASSEMBLEON FCM LARGE Part Number:9466 027 47301 Assembleon FCM TiN Coated Nozzle Large with 1
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
FUJI(Japan) XPF-L Mater Device description: 1. Paste speed: rotation automatic replacement head: 0.144 SEC / 25,000 CPH Single suction mouth: 0.40 SEC / 9000 CPH Automatic change of head: 0.2 SEC / shot 2. Paste range: Rotation automatic replace
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