Parts & Supplies: tranformer relay (Page 1 of 1)

Samsung J90650160C Feeder Cylinder For Samsung SM8mm Feeder 8mm CJ2R10-8.3B-KRJ

Samsung J90650160C Feeder Cylinder For Samsung SM8mm Feeder 8mm CJ2R10-8.3B-KRJ

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

Detailed Product Description Brand: SMC Part Name: Cylinder Part Number: J90650160C Model: CJ2R10-8.3B-KRJ Origin: China Condition: Original New J90650160C Feeder Cylinder For Samsung SM8mm Feeder 8mm feeder cylinder Deatail Information: 1,

KingFei SMT Tech


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Dongguan Relay Electronics Co,. Ltd
Dongguan Relay Electronics Co,. Ltd

At ZJ-SMT, we provide premium SMT and PCB assembly equipment and components from leading brands such as Panasonic, Yamaha, Fuji, etc.

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4th Floor, No.3 Lane 3, Youxi Rd, Youganpu Village, Fenggang Town
Dongguan, China

Phone: 6473897784

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