Parts & Supplies: washing pcb without baking (Page 1 of 1)

Assembleon SWITCH, T212-61194-033N 5322 280 40345

Assembleon SWITCH, T212-61194-033N 5322 280 40345

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

LAS Y Motor Belt Belt Y-Motor 330 mm 5322 358 31302 .. 5322 358 31302 Sensor ..5322 132 00056 TRANSMITTING SENSOR 8MM FOR FEEDER ..5322 132 00103 Transmitting Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00105 Receiving Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00106 Transmitting Senso

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Assembleon SWITCH, PHOTO ELECTRIC 5322 209 32294

Assembleon SWITCH, PHOTO ELECTRIC 5322 209 32294

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

LAS Y Motor Belt Belt Y-Motor 330 mm 5322 358 31302 .. 5322 358 31302 Sensor ..5322 132 00056 TRANSMITTING SENSOR 8MM FOR FEEDER ..5322 132 00103 Transmitting Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00105 Receiving Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00106 Transmitting Senso

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Assembleon SUPPORT UNIT+CABLE-7 BVM 4022 592 39180

Assembleon SUPPORT UNIT+CABLE-7 BVM 4022 592 39180

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

LAS Y Motor Belt Belt Y-Motor 330 mm 5322 358 31302 .. 5322 358 31302 Sensor ..5322 132 00056 TRANSMITTING SENSOR 8MM FOR FEEDER ..5322 132 00103 Transmitting Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00105 Receiving Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00106 Transmitting Senso

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Assembleon SUPPLYUNIT,PE1928-02B 5322 693 92041

Assembleon SUPPLYUNIT,PE1928-02B 5322 693 92041

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

LAS Y Motor Belt Belt Y-Motor 330 mm 5322 358 31302 .. 5322 358 31302 Sensor ..5322 132 00056 TRANSMITTING SENSOR 8MM FOR FEEDER ..5322 132 00103 Transmitting Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00105 Receiving Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00106 Transmitting Senso

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Assembleon SPARE MC STRIP DUAL 4022 512 45450

Assembleon SPARE MC STRIP DUAL 4022 512 45450

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

LAS Y Motor Belt Belt Y-Motor 330 mm 5322 358 31302 .. 5322 358 31302 Sensor ..5322 132 00056 TRANSMITTING SENSOR 8MM FOR FEEDER ..5322 132 00103 Transmitting Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00105 Receiving Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00106 Transmitting Senso

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Assembleon SPARE MC STRIP DUAL 4022 512 45450

Assembleon SPARE MC STRIP DUAL 4022 512 45450

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

LAS Y Motor Belt Belt Y-Motor 330 mm 5322 358 31302 .. 5322 358 31302 Sensor ..5322 132 00056 TRANSMITTING SENSOR 8MM FOR FEEDER ..5322 132 00103 Transmitting Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00105 Receiving Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00106 Transmitting Senso

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Global Active Wave Soldering Machine GS350P

Global Active Wave Soldering Machine GS350P

Parts & Supplies | Soldering - Wave

Overseas Agent and Distributor Wanted ! Features : Spray Fiuxer: 1) Oriental motor drives the flux spraying system. Spraying speed is adjusted according to PCB board width and moving speed to ensure even spraying all time. 2) Durable “Meiji

Xtreme Marketing LLP


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