Career Center - Resumes: automated optical ispection (Page 1 of 4)

Global Product Specialist

Career Center | Singapore, Singapore | Engineering,Production

I am a result/goal-oriented engineer with 20 years of experience in Surface Mount Technology (SMT) environment, of which 7 years were heavily involved in field service and field application for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) machines. I partici

SMT Production Technician

Career Center | Clearwater, Florida USA | Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

I have approximately 14 years experience in the Electronics manufacturing industry. I have experience from manual assembly to machine technical support for SMT eqiupment. I also have some experience with AI equipment. I have Automatic Optical Inspect

Electronics Engineer

Career Center | Manila, Philippines | Engineering

I am an experienced Electronics Engineer which is capable in electronics circuit design, trouble shooting and debugging. Have been involved in an R and D environment for 10 years which focus on the designing of power electronics circuit. Currently ho

Electronics Engineer

Career Center | Manila, Philippines | Engineering

I am an experienced Electronics Engineer which is capable in electronics circuit design, trouble shooting and debugging. Have been involved in an R and D environment for 10 years which focus on the designing of power electronics circuit. Currently ho

smt process engineer

Career Center | faridabad, India | Engineering,Production,Quality Control

My technical proficiency is extensive and is summarized on my resume (attached). As reflected on my resume (attached) I have completed my B-tech this Year.I am a fresher Electronics Engineer but having 6 months of PCB Assembling,PCB Manufacturing and

smt process engineer

Career Center | faridabad, India | Engineering,Production,Quality Control

My technical proficiency is extensive and is summarized on my resume (attached). As reflected on my resume (attached) I have completed my B-tech this Year.I am a fresher Electronics Engineer but having 6 months of PCB Assembling,PCB Manufacturing and

Paul Handler

Career Center | Johns Creek, Georgia USA | Management,Sales/Marketing

As an awarding winning Regional Sales Manager, I have specialized in securing and growing key accounts in the electronics and materials manufacturing industries. I have been described as a go-getter, energetic, analytical hands-on sales person.  In c

Printed Circuit Assembly Production/Process Engineer

Career Center | tulsa, Oklahoma | Engineering

Printed Circuit Assembly Process Engineer. Seeking a position in a high-technology operation, utilizing my background supporting a progressive and growth-oriented organization. Offering the technical experience, expertise, and skills gained during th

Field Service Engineer / Manufacturing Engineer

Career Center | Colton, California USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Technical Support

• Strong experience with the installation, training, and repair on a variety of electro-mechanical, pneumatic, PLC, or computer controlled systems. • Strong Knowledge in SMT equipment, Screen Printer, AOI/SPI, Conformal Coat Systems, Reflow oven, X-R

smt operator,technician,Field service engineer

Career Center | Sta. Rosa, Philippines | Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

Complete knowledge in smt,aoi and reflow. 11 years working experienced in production and 5 years experienced in the field service job.

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automated optical ispection searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

SMT feeders

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
SMT Machines

High Throughput Reflow Oven
Void Free Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
Assembly Automation Technology

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