Career Center - Resumes: calibration kit (Page 1 of 1)

Arturo C Jadear Jr

Career Center | binan city, Laguna Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Technical Support

6.5 Years Experience in Semiconductor Industry Specializing in Dispensing process and Equipment. 5.0 Years of Experience in Field Service Engineering. Machine Commissioning / Customer support 24 / 7, Technical Support for Customer machine and process

Field Service Engineer / Manufacturing Engineer

Career Center | Colton, California USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Technical Support

• Strong experience with the installation, training, and repair on a variety of electro-mechanical, pneumatic, PLC, or computer controlled systems. • Strong Knowledge in SMT equipment, Screen Printer, AOI/SPI, Conformal Coat Systems, Reflow oven, X-R

Manufacturing head

Career Center | Gurgaon, Haryana India | Management

� Heading daily morning meeting with all program managers, materials manager, test engineering manager, process engineering manager, quality control manager, planning manager, stock room manager, shipping department head. Discussion about incoming or

2012 resume

Career Center | Columbus, Ohio USA | Engineering,Management,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Technical Support

20 plus years of experience in a Electronics Manufacturing environment. Management experience on 1st and 2nd shift with groups up to 18 in a goverment contracted environment Experienced internal/lead auditor of ISO 9001 with years of audit experi

2012 resume

Career Center | Columbus, Ohio USA | Engineering,Management,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Technical Support

20 plus years of experience in a Electronics Manufacturing environment. Management experience on 1st and 2nd shift with groups up to 18 in a goverment contracted environment Experienced internal/lead auditor of ISO 9001 with years of audit experi

Equipment Engineer\B Tech (EC)\7.5+ Years Ex

Career Center | Dargaha Road Zameen Pallavaram Chennai, Tamilnadu India | Maintenance,Technical Support

CURRENT JOB: • Responsible for four sub department as Production support, Preventive maintenance activity, Spare parts control and NPI (New product Introduction) under one Equipment department. • Take care of OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency), MTTR

S. M.T Technician

Career Center | Bangalore, Indiana India | Production,Quality Control

Line audits 5’s line audits RoHS line audits Screen printing machine operating S.M.T M/c Operator “Siemens” HS-60, S-27, F5HM. S.M.T Fuji, cp6, ip3, xp143 & 243 M/c Technician. Awareness of reflow profiling and verification Servicing of mobile sets a

Global Product Specialist

Career Center | Singapore, Singapore | Engineering,Production

I am a result/goal-oriented engineer with 20 years of experience in Surface Mount Technology (SMT) environment, of which 7 years were heavily involved in field service and field application for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) machines. I partici


Career Center | Derabassi, India | Maintenance,Management,Production,Quality Control,Sales/Marketing

PCB Assembly (SMT & PTH)--Process/Planning – Production – Maintenance/Troubleshooting – QA/QC


calibration kit searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

PCB Handling with CE

Best Reflow Oven
SMT feeders

Reflow Soldering 101 Training Course
2024 Eptac IPC Certification Training Schedule

Stencil Printing 101 Training Course
PCB Handling Machine with CE

Software for SMT placement & AOI - Free Download.
PCB Depanelizers

Private label coffee for your company - your logo & message on each bag!