Career Center - Resumes: chip wave low (Page 1 of 4)


Career Center | Muzzaffarnagar, India | Production

Complete programming of Pick & Place as per BOM. Working with both low & high Profile solder Paste, and Glue. Accurate Placement of all SMT Component like Chip, SOT, SOD, QFP, Tantalum Capacitor & etc. Familiar with the critical problem in process

SMT Manufacturing

Career Center | , | Engineering,Maintenance,Production

Production Planning ~ Supply Chain Management ~ Productivity Management ~ Sub Contracting Management ~ Process Quality Management ~ Process innovation & Lean Mfg ~ Cost efficiency Management ~ Manpower Management ~Multi Skilling & Training, Six Sigma


Career Center | Phoenix, Arizona | Engineering,Management,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Sales/Marketing,Technical Support

• Highly motivated, solution oriented professional with proven record synergizing scientific, engineering, and business administration backgrounds to drive and sustain customer satisfaction and long term improvements. • Articulate communicator that a

SMT process engineer

Career Center | kanchipuram, Tamilnadu India | Engineering,Maintenance,Research and Development,Technical Support

Experiences : Solectron (Ems) India Ltd. Yalahanka New town, Bangalore, India Duration: AUG 2007 to Sep 2009   Designation:  Process Technician (SMT) NOKIA India Pvt Ltd  Sipcot Industrial area, Sriperambadur, Chennai, Duration: Sep 2009 to


Career Center | chennai, India | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Technical Support

Two years working in EMS(process and Equipment Engineer)


Career Center | , District of Columbia | Engineering,Management,Production,Sales/Marketing

• Strong technical leadership and decision-making skills; strong verbal and written communication skills to provide clear, crisp direction for key issue resolution; and good team skills to facilitate cross-functional cross -site team effectiveness.

NPI Engineer

Career Center | Theni, Tamilnadu India | Engineering

NPI Engineer: • Playing a role as NPI leader of the Telecom, Aerospace & Server Products to introduce and run to qualify the engineering build from customer. • Conducting Weekly NPI meeting with the CFT team to review the progress of the NPI schedu

SMT Manager having 10 yrs in Electronic Manufacturing.

Career Center | Cochin, Kerala India | Engineering,Management,Production,Technical Support

9 Years Experience in SMT Manufacturing Process, Quality Control Process, Testing and Engineering of Windmill power projects. The experience include: - � Skill in selection and installation of new manufacturing lines. � Conduct and analyze process t

nandish resum

Career Center | Bangalore-85, ka India | Production

As a Sr.Technician involved in production activities like programming, taking care of the production, process, rectifying the process problems, constantly getting in touch with the customers for any quality issues & other production activities, invol

SMT Technician

Career Center | Cavite, Philippines | Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

January  15- 2013 to Prsent :Maintenace Technician      National Agriculture Development Company      Haradh Project      2557 Riyadh 11461, Saudi Arabia      Responsibilities 1. Daily  checking  of  Electrical Panels 2. Install Main power for

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