Career Center - Resumes: component revise (Page 1 of 1)


Career Center | Chennai, India | Sales/Marketing

Experience in sales of inter-connect, passive, active, and electro-mechanical components Product Engineering Role as handling BOM, ECO, ECN in the New product introduction of Philips LCD TV and Kulicke and Soffa wire bonding m/c Process and Quali


Career Center | , Minnesota USA | Engineering,Management,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

Engineer with a diverse background in management, quality, computer and customer service.  Experience includes optics, electrical, mechanical, physics, chemistry, process and systems engineering, implementing computers and computer applications for m


Career Center | , Minnesota | Engineering,Management,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

Engineer with a diverse background in management, quality, computer and customer service.  Experience includes optics, electrical, mechanical, physics, chemistry, process and systems engineering, implementing computers and computer applications for m

Printed Circuit Assembly Production/Process Engineer

Career Center | tulsa, Oklahoma | Engineering

Printed Circuit Assembly Process Engineer. Seeking a position in a high-technology operation, utilizing my background supporting a progressive and growth-oriented organization. Offering the technical experience, expertise, and skills gained during th

Sr. Sales & Application Engineer- SMT Field Service Engineer

Career Center | San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Sales/Marketing,Technical Support

Some key points you may find relevant to this job opportunity include:     Extensive experience and knowledge on Service and Technical skills by performing Set-up, Buy-off, troubleshooting of the assigned Equipments.     Provide solution to custom

2012 resume

Career Center | Columbus, Ohio USA | Engineering,Management,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Technical Support

20 plus years of experience in a Electronics Manufacturing environment. Management experience on 1st and 2nd shift with groups up to 18 in a goverment contracted environment Experienced internal/lead auditor of ISO 9001 with years of audit experi

2012 resume

Career Center | Columbus, Ohio USA | Engineering,Management,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Technical Support

20 plus years of experience in a Electronics Manufacturing environment. Management experience on 1st and 2nd shift with groups up to 18 in a goverment contracted environment Experienced internal/lead auditor of ISO 9001 with years of audit experi

Quality Engineer, SMT Engineer

Career Center | Thanjavur, India | Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

work in one year and above Quality engineer in sanmina,current work in SMT Technical engineer in coimbatore


Career Center | chicago, Illinois USA | Engineering,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

• Experience with oscilloscopes, multimeters, spectrum analyzers, frequency counters, signal and arbitrary generators, chart recorders, multi-level printed circuits and other bench shop tools.


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