Career Center - Resumes: ionic contamination testing equipment (Page 1 of 1)

Sales Manager

Career Center | Shen Zhen, China | Management,Sales/Marketing

Working in GLORYPCB for 10 years.knowing electronic supply chain very well. especially for PCB PCBA assembly and other Electronic Manufacturing Service.Glorypcb is a professional electronic manufacturer located in Shenzhen with three facilities.offe

Process Engineer

Career Center | san diego,, California USA | Engineering,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

SMT Process Engineer, ISO-9001, IPC-600/610/620/7711/7721, J-STD-001, Thermal profiling, Lean manufacturing.

Western Regional Sales Manager

Career Center | Los Gatos, California | Management,Sales/Marketing

Seasoned sales professional skilled in both direct sales and sales management. Recognized for polished communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills, Excelled in positions where a combination of direct sales and channel sales force developm

SMT process engineer

Career Center | kanchipuram, Tamilnadu India | Engineering,Maintenance,Research and Development,Technical Support

Experiences : Solectron (Ems) India Ltd. Yalahanka New town, Bangalore, India Duration: AUG 2007 to Sep 2009   Designation:  Process Technician (SMT) NOKIA India Pvt Ltd  Sipcot Industrial area, Sriperambadur, Chennai, Duration: Sep 2009 to


ionic contamination testing equipment searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Voidless Reflow Soldering

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PCB Handling Machine with CE

High Throughput Reflow Oven
SMT Machines

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