Career Center - Resumes: mean cpk in smt electronic (Page 1 of 1)

Sr. Manufacturing Engineer with over 20 yrs experience

Career Center | Lakewood, California USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Management,Production

Quality conscience, detail oriented, manufacturing engineer, with a hands on approach to overall process improvement and development. Motivated with excellent communication skills and a dedicated team player. Qualifications include: � Safety /Diver


mean cpk in smt electronic searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Winsmart Electronic Co.,Ltd
Winsmart Electronic Co.,Ltd

Manufacturer of PCB depaneling and PCB soldering machines since 2005, products include CE approval V-groove PCB depanelizer, PCB router, PCB punching machine, laser depaneling, hot bar soldering machines and soldering robots.


Liwu Industrial Park, Yuanzhou Town, Boluo
Huizhou, 30 China

Phone: +86-138-29839112

Best SMT Reflow Oven

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
SMT feeders

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
Software for SMT

Best Reflow Oven
PCB separator

Original SMT Feeders and spares for Panasonic, Fuji , Yamaha, Juki , Samsung