Career Center - Resumes: panasonic automatic insertion machines (Page 1 of 4)

SMT Service Maintenance Technician

Career Center | Cavite, Philippines | Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

SKILLS: Mandarin, English skills Quick Learner, willing to be trained Knowledge in Automatic Insertion and Surface Mount Technology Machine (Industrial machines) Can handle and Troubleshoot Electromechanical machines Can read and

Electronics Manufacturing /SMT/Quality/ISO/6 sigma

Career Center | , | 2013-03-07 05:50:27.0

Looking for Leader ship Opprtunity in Electronics Manufacturing Plant in India

Private Resume #5190

Career Center | , Qatar | Production

Technician for assembling electronic boards on automatic assembly machines, Samsung, Panasonic, Quad, Universal, Sanyo, Hatishi

SMT Production Technician

Career Center | Clearwater, Florida USA | Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

I have approximately 14 years experience in the Electronics manufacturing industry. I have experience from manual assembly to machine technical support for SMT eqiupment. I also have some experience with AI equipment. I have Automatic Optical Inspect

SMT specialist

Career Center | Shenzhen, China | Technical Support

We design and manufacture automatic machine for the PCB/SMT and Thru-hole industries in Shenzhen China. We help companies looking to low cost equipment with smart, ROI-driven assembly equipment solutions. Email: ;

SMT Section Head

Career Center | Obour, Egypt | Engineering,Maintenance,Production

                         Ten years of experience in electronics assembly  work for Toshiba Egypt and Iskraemeco Egypt • Researched, analyzed and selected production equipment. • Work within team to startup Iskraemeco’s new factory in Egypt. • L

Process Engineer

Career Center | san diego,, California USA | Engineering,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

SMT Process Engineer, ISO-9001, IPC-600/610/620/7711/7721, J-STD-001, Thermal profiling, Lean manufacturing.

smt technical support specialist

Career Center | Cabuyao,, Laguna Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

�X 10 years experience in SMT field of manufacturing company,knowledge in GC-Powerplace software. �X Knowledge in programming and operating Modular/Turret Machine in Surface Mount Technology and Flipchip technology. �X Expertise in the field of SMT m

Manufacturing engineer & SMT process engineer

Career Center | Riyadh 11623, Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Connected in the field of manufacturing/electronics industry experienced in the line, Through Hole and Surface Mount Technology, worked on various Fuji Machines Universal model, such as: CP 643E chip shooter QP 242E chip mou

Rafeek Maurice

Career Center | Shoubra Misr, Cairo, Egypt, Egypt | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Quality Control

Refer to my CV

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panasonic automatic insertion machines searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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