Career Center - Resumes: vitronics 10 zones reflow oven zones names (Page 1 of 1)

smt process engineer

Career Center | faridabad, India | Engineering,Production,Quality Control

My technical proficiency is extensive and is summarized on my resume (attached). As reflected on my resume (attached) I have completed my B-tech this Year.I am a fresher Electronics Engineer but having 6 months of PCB Assembling,PCB Manufacturing and

smt process engineer

Career Center | faridabad, India | Engineering,Production,Quality Control

My technical proficiency is extensive and is summarized on my resume (attached). As reflected on my resume (attached) I have completed my B-tech this Year.I am a fresher Electronics Engineer but having 6 months of PCB Assembling,PCB Manufacturing and

New Product Introduction(NPI) Engineer

Career Center | Bangalore-560026, Karnataka India | Engineering,Maintenance,Technical Support

New Product Introduction & Product dovelopment


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