Career Center - Resumes: wash pcb after bake (Page 1 of 1)


Career Center | THRISSUR, India | Maintenance,Production

HANDLING OF MAINTENANCE Camelot,Mascot, Selective Soldering,Wave Soldering,Aquastorm 200,H-500 HI-Z,Kolb,kerry&PBT,GETECH, ATI 105 & Final Touch 101,Heller,Btu&vapour phase,Shuttle,SRT,ESD ,Electrical maintenance . Knowledge in using SLIM KIC 2000&

NPI Engineer

Career Center | Theni, Tamilnadu India | Engineering

NPI Engineer: • Playing a role as NPI leader of the Telecom, Aerospace & Server Products to introduce and run to qualify the engineering build from customer. • Conducting Weekly NPI meeting with the CFT team to review the progress of the NPI schedu

Electronics technician

Career Center | NEW DELHI, India | Technical Support

I am having almost 20 years of experience in the field of electronics repairs domestic & industrial, able to work on any circuit and PCB without any schematic or diagram. I have all the records and certifications with me and fully c

Manager Production

Career Center | Chandigarh, India | Engineering,Maintenance,Management,Production,Technical Support

1.Installation of Machines at Customer Workshop / Work area. 2.Provide training to the customer on Machines after Installation. 3.Meticulously Maintaining the AMC contract, spare parts inventory of the all SMT Machines. 4.Ensuring maximum customer s


wash pcb after bake searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Precision PCB Services, Inc
Precision PCB Services, Inc

Products, services, training & consulting for the assembly, rework & repair of electronic assemblies. BGA process experts. Manufacturers Rep, Distributor & Service Provider for Seamark/Zhuomao and Shuttle Star BGA Rework Stations.

Training Provider / Manufacturer's Representative / Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Consultant / Service Provider

1750 Mitchell Ave.
Oroville, CA USA

Phone: (888) 406-2830

Sell Your Used SMT & Test Equipment

We offer SMT Nozzles, feeders and spare parts globally. Find out more
Vacuum Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB Handling with CE

Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
Encapsulation Dispensing, Dam and Fill, Glob Top, CSOB

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.